1972 West State Road 28
Ridgeville, IN 47380
Phone: (765) 857-2493
Fax: (765) 857-2751
The Ridgeville Quarry serves Randolph County and the surrounding communities. The plant is active in the community through numerous outreach programs. They work alongside teachers from the Randolph County School Corporation’s Externship program, support the greenhouse project at Monroe Central High School, and donate funds and resources to the local YMCA, Ridgeville Little League, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and the Order of Elks.
Plant Clerk: Autumn Remley aremley@usagg.com (765) 857-2493
Sales Manager: Kari Reynolds kari.reynolds@usagg.com (765) 220-5579
18″ to 3″ material. Application: Erosion control
36″ to 18″ material. Application: Erosion control
3/8″ Natural Material
QA Products are Products that deviate from INDOT Spec material
QA Products are Products that deviate from INDOT Spec material
Shot rock that has been put through a jaw crusher...
This product does not have a set gradation. Uses include...
Commercial grade 1/2″ material down to 1/4″ material
Commercial grade 3/8″ material down to 1/8″ material
Commercial grade 2.5″ material down to 1/2″ material. Application: Ground...
Commercial grade. Applications: Ground stabilization, septic stone
Commercial grade 1.5″ material down to dust
Commercial grade 3/4″ material down to dust
Commercial grade 1″ material down to 3/8″ material
Commercial grade 3/4″ material down to 3/8″ material
Natural Fill Material off spec
Limestone product used to balance PH levels in the soil
2″minus material with no fines in it. Applications: Septic and...
1/2″ material down to 1/4″ material. Applications: Top dressing for...
1.25″ material down to dust. Applications: Driveway uses, backfill uses,...
3/4″ material down to dust. Applications: Same uses as 53’s
1″ material down to 3/8″ material. Applications: Driveways, backfill uses,...
3/4″ material down to 3/8″ material. Applications: Driveway stone, backfill...
18″ to 3″ material. Application: Erosion control
36″ to 18″ material. Application: Erosion control
3/8″ Natural Material
QA Products are Products that deviate from INDOT Spec material
QA Products are Products that deviate from INDOT Spec material
Shot rock that has been put through a jaw crusher...
This product does not have a set gradation. Uses include...
Commercial grade 1/2″ material down to 1/4″ material
Commercial grade 3/8″ material down to 1/8″ material
Commercial grade 2.5″ material down to 1/2″ material. Application: Ground...
Commercial grade. Applications: Ground stabilization, septic stone
Commercial grade 1.5″ material down to dust
Commercial grade 3/4″ material down to dust
Commercial grade 1″ material down to 3/8″ material
Commercial grade 3/4″ material down to 3/8″ material
Natural Fill Material off spec
Limestone product used to balance PH levels in the soil
2″minus material with no fines in it. Applications: Septic and...
1/2″ material down to 1/4″ material. Applications: Top dressing for...
1.25″ material down to dust. Applications: Driveway uses, backfill uses,...
3/4″ material down to dust. Applications: Same uses as 53’s
1″ material down to 3/8″ material. Applications: Driveways, backfill uses,...
3/4″ material down to 3/8″ material. Applications: Driveway stone, backfill...
18″ to 3″ material. Application: Erosion control
36″ to 18″ material. Application: Erosion control
3/8″ Natural Material
QA Products are Products that deviate from INDOT Spec material
QA Products are Products that deviate from INDOT Spec material
Shot rock that has been put through a jaw crusher...
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