This product does not have a set gradation. Uses include...
Commercial grade 1/2″ material down to 1/4″ material
Commercial grade 3/8″ material down to 1/8″ material
Commercial grade 2.5″ material down to 1/2″ material. Application: Ground...
Commercial grade 1.5″ material down to 1/4″ material
Commercial grade 1.5″ material down to dust
Commercial grade 3/4″ material down to dust
Commercial grade 3/4″ material down to 3/8″ material
Limestone product used to balance PH levels in the soil
1/2″ material down to 1/4″ material. Applications: Used in the...
1/2″ material down to 1/4″ material. Applications: Top dressing for...
2.5″ material down to 1/2″ material. Applications: Primarily used as...
Limestone Sand. Applications: Backfill uses and asphalt production
1.25″ material down to dust. Applications: Driveway uses, backfill uses,...
3/4″ material down to dust. Applications: Same uses as 53’s
1″ material down to 3/8″ material for INDOT concrete
1″ material down to 3/8″ material. Applications: Driveways, backfill uses,...
3/4″ material down to 3/8″ material. Applications: Driveway stone, backfill...
12″ to 3″ material. Sizes can vary by location. Application:...
QA Products are Products that deviate from INDOT Spec material
Specialty Product 1 1/2″ minus Gap Graded Material